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Your Trusted
Industrial Gas


Your Trusted
Industrial Gas


Your Trusted
Industrial Gas


Your Trusted
Industrial Gas


Your Trusted
Industrial Gas

About Us

We Manufacture High
Quality Products

With humble beginnings, BHIG was established in 2006 as a small gas supplier in Johor Bahru, Johor. Since its inception, we have formed an extensive network in the southern region and have become one of the leading gas manufacturers through the cooperation of our headquarters, Asia Technical Gas Co. (Pte) Ltd., located in Singapore since 1978. Initially, the company was situated in Taman Mount Austin, Johor Bahru. However, in 2008, BHIG successfully built its own manufacturing and refilling plant in Ulu Tiram, Johor. Over the years, BHIG has earned a reputation for being a reliable supplier of quality industrial and technical gases in the Southern Region.

At Bee Hua Industrial Gases Sdn Bhd, the Management is committed to provide a healthy work environment, to make sure the effectiveness of Quality Management System compliance, and to promote continuous improvement. Everyone shall work together in facing competitive business risk and opportunity without compromising the core values, missions and visions set by the company by practicing the following principles;

  • B


    In complying rules & regulations

  • H

    Hard work

    To meet customers satisfaction

  • I


    To meet the standard of quality product , and to understand interested parties needs and expectation

  • G


    The continual improvement culture & practice risk-based thinking

  • S


    To achieve our missions and visions

  • B


    In each other and create real teamwork

Our Product

Every product Is Important
For Our Team


Our Work Showcase